UI redesign suggestion + weapon synergy concept

What about some ships has double or trible gun places. Their synergies would be better for usage. So we can start with a synergied weapon.

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I just have one question about it. If you combine two weapons,which presents will give you additional firepower? The present of the first weapon you picked? The present of the second weapon you picked up? Or both?

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Alſo, what about particular ſtrengths and weakneſſes? I think that if we have ſynergies, we ſhould have to uſe keys to develop the weapon, after which it would appear for us juſt like any other i.e. it would have its own gift &c.

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Wait a Second…
Utensil Poker + Neutron Gun = Neutron Poker?
That’s Right!


Haven’t actually thought about that, feel free to suggest something.

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This is a great idea in concept, but I remain doubtful because of the combinatorial explosion of possibilities, and the fact that some combinations might not work or make a weapon heavily over-powered.

A somewhat simplified approach: Assuming that each weapon has a set of ‘natural’ characteristics (for example: firing rate, overheat rate, damage per projectile, projectile speed, and projectile spread), mountable upgrades could be added to the shop that will boost (or un-boost) a particular characteristic at the cost of the rest. Examples:

  • +10% firing rate -> -5% damage per projectile, +2% overheat rate
  • +12% projectile speed -> +8% overheat rate, -4% firing rate
  • +9% spread -> +5% damage per projectile, -3% firing rate
  • +8% damage per projectile -> -12% firing rate

You could then stack perhaps 2-3 of these upgrades to push each weapon’s characteristics in the direction you desire.


Modifying weapons to maximize dps is a good idea, but maybe we will be able to color/style bought weapons? It would add some variety!

Also, I know this is off-topic @InterAction_studios, but I find this important: there have been many complaints about weapon damage and health balancing, including from me. Will something be changed? The problem is that enemies have too much health on SSH and i can kill around 20% of enemies on waves where they can escape even though i spam with my Utensil Poker as much as I can.

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Yeah that could work, with some further customization of colors and textures for weapons, also I hope you looked into UI improvement, because the current one is ugly.:smiley:

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I don’t find the current one ugly, but the Ui shown here looks more “dynamic” and fits the old games better.


Changes are being made, but everything won’t just be magically fixed overnight. Today’s upcoming update has a redesigned weapon and SSH health has been reduced to +12%


(i know that this doesnt fit here) @InterAction_studios I don’t think that +12% health will do the trick. Because that there are so many eggships etc., youd need to decrease the enemy health. Also some chickens seem to be way too tough. On a hard SSH mission, an ordinary chicken has about 2500 health. That’s way too much to get a clean sweep. SSH would mean action, explosions and bullet hell for me, not damage sponge + spamming the fire button

Many tough enemies increase the total hp a wave has by a lot. Therefore a health boost makes it even worse. Everything should have 0.4x-0.5x health on SSH. You can increase other factors like enemy fire rate in return.


Huh. When I’m looking for a real challenge (which SSH ſhould preſent), I don’t expect to ſurvive everything, let alone get a clean ſweep on every wave.

There is a ſetting between SSH and rookie, though. It might have more of what you’re looking for.

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It should be possible to achieve clean swap on every wave on every difficulty. If not it would be great to change it requirements so when you clean maybe 80% of chickens in really hard wave you get this bonus.

Traveller,that doesn’t mean that ssh should be unbalanced. Just because there are other skill levels,we can’t simply ignore ssh.
You still don’t get it. You’re paying for a trade-off. You’re not paying for an upgrade,despite that being what you should expect when you spend keys on something. Here is my solution to all of this:
Skill levels should increase the damage output(or decrease enemy health),so that they’re worth buying. Meanwhile,there could be other modifiers that would be available from the beginning(if players want a challenge,they should be able to get it whenever they want,so these modifiers should be free). These modifiers could either increase projectile speed, or increase enemy fire rate,or decrease firepower drop rate etc.,and you could combine these if you want more than just one.


You’re not paying much, and as IA ſaid, the original intent was that SSH would be more of a challenge. This means that from a purely economical (in keys, obviöuſly) point of view, you’re paying for a diſſervice, i.e. to make things harder, which doeſn’t make financial ſenſe, but on the other hand, you’re paying for more of a challenge, which ſome people like.

Looking at it from a different point of view, the coſt iſn’t actuälly that much. Really all the price does is make ſure you’re not a complete newcomer before tryïng SSH.


You still are paying for something that makes you perform worse.

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Yup. But the entire point of SSH is, as you put it, “to make you perform worſe”, or, as I put it, to liven things up a bit.

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Which could very well be substituted by just locking harder skill levels behind tiers.

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That’s definitely true, now that we have the tiers.
In previous games it had to be unlocked with keys, which I think is why that’s alſo the caſe ſo far in CIU.

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Yeah, we can definitely assume that was the case in CIU.
The best execution of skills was in CI3. You had 2 difficulties to choose from the start and if you beat the game on Veteran you unlocked SSH. Simple and great.