The new chicken: the chicken that lays three eggs

What is this, ChickenCraft?

This is not important. The idea is important. I knew it was not good

Until you find a baby zombie that spawned in your house after you died.

I don’t play minecraft at all


Then expect flag raids on your posts.

do you put torches in your house?

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:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: yeah

I will make another idea


* A cave house with two wide open sides.

Stop making ideas. Go to school, improve your education, stop wasting time on the internet.

None at this time :slightly_smiling_face: and how old are you?


still put torches

Bruh, another argument is emerging.

I did, they come from the outside.
I was surrounded by 6 skeletons coming from both sides at some point

Do you mean your age is 3 liar?


sixty two.

ohhh okkkk

you got diamond armours?

uhm no?