The new chicken: the chicken that lays three eggs

Too overkill @_@

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How 100 IA don’t make this for sure

I said 1%, not 100 eggs.

Sorry I misunderstood you but what does 1% mean, do you mean 10 eggs


If you think lay 4 eggs is easy, then it’s fine. But plz Think to other people too.


That’s what I said and it’s good right?

to increase the difficulty

That would make Darkness missions way too hard.

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The game is already difficult ass. If you want to have more challenge, then play Double Team or Ironman instead of complain about this.

Yes Yeah

This increases the challenge

I’m so much of a nice guy, I would feel bad about voting ‘‘No’’ on the poll above. What do you think, Rainbow?

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Im kinda feel bad tho but this idea is… bad.

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What !!!

its good ida

Speaking of this, who just voted ‘‘Yes’’?


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me :rofl: yeah