Squadron Recruitment Zone

This is a place for Squadron Owners / others who wants to join a Squadron find their Squadron.

To make it easier to find your squadrons, please follow the format provided.
(Click on the arrow, copy it down in the replies, edit as you please, but don’t changed the bolded parts)

If you want to join a Squadron that’s recruiting here/recruit someone from the topic,
private message them. I don’t want this place to be filled with replies unrelated to the main topic, as it affects future people wanting to join/recruit others.

If you want to improve on these formats, private message me.

Squadron Recruitment Format:

Looking for members for Squadron:

Slots left:

Assignments per Day: How many are you planning on doing?

Assignment Details: More info on the assignments you’re giving your members.

Recruit Expectations: I’m looking for members who are …

Squadron Joining Format:

Looking for a Squadron!

Status: Still looking, or have found a Squadron?

Why I should be recruited: Tell people why they would want you in their Squad.

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Could’ve just asked to unlock the old one.

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Alright we be packin lol
didn’t know this was already a thing. Whoops.

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