Skill level rebalance

Yup! I can’t wait!

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No,lol,“I eat chickens for breakfast” implies being at the top of the food chain. Sophodot said this at the beginning. It just tests your patience,except in waves like those 2 you saw,in which case it makes them borderline impossible without super-weapons or deaths. Now,why can’t we select ssh at the very beginning? Why do we have to unlock it,first? If we want a challenge,we should be able to select it at the very beginning,whenever we want. The idea of ssh might be to make things harder,but it doesn’t mean that it actually serves its purpose,nor that its purpose is good.(in this case,its purpose is good,but ssh doesn’t really serve its purpose well,imo.)

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Given that I have a hiſtory of wanting to make things harder, and you have a hiſtory of wanting to make them eaſiër, I ſee no point to continuïng this argument. Now, time to kill ſome chickens!

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Hmm…I mean,I’m sick of this argument,and (correct me if I’m wrong) I’m sure you are,too. So I’d be fine with ending it here.
Edit: actually,no,not yet

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Well, I confess I’ve died one time at these levels mentioned above, but what happens to their attacks getting caught unprepared. Stop complaining and enjoy the game. IA said it: The greatest chicken invasion ever!


We just tried to improve the game the way we think is the best…


Sooo I’m just gonna say my opinoon, skill levels in previous games were horrible, just adding more health and making missions borring, hopefuly they are reworking them in a good way to add actual challenge.


Wait, you mean you only died once?!

Do I want to make things easier? For those who play the game and earn keys, yes, I do. As a reward. The vast majority of games allow you to select the most difficult option from the very start, even without prior experience with the game. Maybe you lost your previous profiles. Why CI requires you to play the lower difficulties first before earning that right is something that I don’t see necessary. I also agree with the part that more difficult missions should yield better rewards, but I’ll say it again and again, you should only pay up-front for increasing your strength and thus making your missions easier, while if you want more of a challenge you should either have the option to select any difficulty before entering the mission or by exploring the galaxy to find tougher opponents that match your power and skill.


Well,peace time’s over,I guess. That was short. I wanted to end the argument,but at the same time,I still want to support this thread…guess I take back everything I said about ending this ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, sometimes it happens.

That’s off topic…

Um,what exactly is off-topic?

Its not off topic, we discuss the skill level balance, and how much the game should be hard.


Although at this point the topic is pointleſs.