Share your Chicken invaders Fun facts here

Another fun fact: The show em who’s boss form ROTY were remastered back in 2010 not 2018. On show em who’s boss fight, the same big chickens with random colors from chicken multiplicity comes but wih small eggs. However everyone know this…

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Chicken invaders 4 has the most music tracks than any other episodes except ciu ofc.

7 Fun facts regarding final bosses:

1)Egg cannon is the only final boss that you don’t fight in the sun (Near the Earth orbit)

2)In addition to that It is the only non-yolky boss (is the only final boss that hasn’t a giant yolk or a sentient yolk)

3)You encounter the yolk star only in the final mission (wave 120 of ci3) while all the others final bosses are seen in other waves before (egg cannon in wave 30 of ci4 before launching the mother hen ship)

4)Egg cannon is the only boss that doesn’t have different phases but is the only one that has a procedural pattern

5)Mother hen ship in ci2 is the only final boss (excluding yolk star because is encountered only once) that has the same initial pattern and behavior (Henterprise after the big laser has different patterns according to wave and in “Bodly goes whenever it pleases” she approaches you from the side)

6)According to the point 3 the yolk star is the only final boss that doesn’t retreat

Everyone knows at this point that but I point this here anyway

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  1. Egg cannon doesen’t have procedural pattern.
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I’ve never ſeen the Henterpriſe’s yolk…

There you go! Its clearly visible!


Oh. I figured that was juſt a navigation light. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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