Wow thanks. Do you have 8 to 9 ? Could you share me ?
I don’t understand why you’re still going, you’re already rich enough.
Can someone send me all the quests?
thank you Does anyone have screenshots of them?
You’re welcome, try scrolling upwards until you find the one you’re in.
410 of poultry paybacks??
You’re doomed
Good luck with that
Man, this is gonna be so spicy, having to fly 83 times without any equipments and just 1 life
Should be easy with easy missions
Not so much with hard missions
One small mistake then you’re done (this quest is gonna screw up your W/L ratio)
I’d rather doing an entire hard mission with the Extreme Unpreparedness medal quest while blindfolded, than doing so on easy missions.
especially when fighting yolk-star with 6-7 lasers with/or upside down conditions with/or lightning strikes.
Yes, that’s what I am doing to finish that quest. And it is already screwing up my Win/Lose ratio, I lost 2-4 missions because of it.
No thanks, that would be torturing enough for me.