Post your Quest Rank!

This quests might be nonsense since as you said, forcing the player to keep repeating the same mission.

I just use an auto-clicker to farm medals and do homework at the same time. Work smarter, not harder :brain:

Isn’t that some sort of cheating?

its sort of an exploit that iA invented overdrive as sort of a fix

too bad it still didnt stop autoclickers but hey at least they’re no better than a player who will actually sit there for 2 hours now

Since you are a pro player and supposing that the autoclicker is a very good exploit for skills, try to dare him, to see if you are better than an autoclicker.

never said i was pro

Bro I saw your videos on youtube.

not a representation of how good i am at the game

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I just leave the game on with the auto-clicker, not moving the spacecraft at all cause I don’t wanna get bored

also can you not put words in my mouth

i didnt say it was a very good exploit for skills

i said its as good as a player who is willing to sit there for 2 hours straight doing the same thing

At least I do other stuff while I leave it on like doing homework for example

thats my point

though i dont use autoclickers

Normal for those who whatever the hell they want to damage their sanity for it.

I started to hate quests by the way. It’s just a rank giving shit with no serious payback. And funnily enough it makes us bankrupted for some stupid objectives that doesn’t even worth completing. I wish I could have known what the hell were IA thinking when creating those quests.

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Wow this isn’t hard, Except for the Hot Enviornment quest.

Autoclicking is, hands down, genius. I do everything manually. Although I usually watch something at the same time. From the other hand, games should not promote this type of gaming behaviour like using autoclicks or farming one mission hundreds of times. Quests need balancing.

Mad respect to your actual hard work though, I don’t have the time nor the energy to match that. Using an auto-clicker is slower than playing normally, but since CIU is like the only game that can run decently on my shit laptop so it may make some progress in terms of quests

Save up some money, or beg for it.

That’s gonna take years

Rob a bank

2 short and ez Chicken Invasion in here:


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