Poll: How should the damage stage invoked immediately on the egg cannon be handled?

  • Remove it
  • Keep it (explain why)

0 voters


To be honest I only fighted the normal Egg Connon once and it was at the first of the last update too(v44), others were Egg Cannonade :sweat_smile:

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Sorry, but this change made the game silghtly unplayable. so it should be removed.

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It should show from 80% difficulty like you said.

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Idk why IA said no tho.

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Maybe to make the boss tougher like @marksam123 said above, I think that’s the only reason.

Or keep it normally (but not invoked immediately), and instead give it more attacks on higher difficulties.


The Egg Cannon is easy. Besides, all of its attacks either have a warning or are very slow. You can still easily semi-cheese the Cannon. I think it should stay.


Honestly, the Egg Cannon is still quite easy, even with the attacks being invoked immediately. Removing it just makes it even more of a joke, so I really suggest keeping the immediate attacks. Just remember that they activate at specific damage stages (depends on difficulty), and you’ll be just fine.

All I can really say:
Time your attacks well, so that you do not put yourself in a bad situation. Prime example being the 3 red bullets firing while the lasers are active.


I’ve died once because of that


Explore the battle through yourself and you will be more satisfied. You dont need to listen some random lame tips.


In case it’s still not clear, this change was made because the attack reset back to the first one (chickens) every time the boss stage advanced. So it meant that if you deal damage fast enough, you never see anything except the first attack. This way all my hard work on the other attacks at least becomes visible. :slight_smile:

The minor issue is “when the stage changes, should the current attack be immediately be interrupted, or should it be allowed to finish naturally first”. And to that the answer is “immediately, because it’s much easier to program” :wink:


You know, if you want to kill the player there are probably more effective ways…

What about changing the Ĺżpawned chickens to terminators?


Or maybe, add some meteors and comets…


Or, make the Egg Cannon attacks extended depends on the difficulty.

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I get it now, that actually makes sense. I’m officially in support of it now.


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