New Item: Recoil Buffer/Absorber

Not to mention that Neutron Gun can be fired at max firerate manually a good amount of time, while laser gun not only does less damage but also overheats really fast.
Riddler, on the other hand, looks like its only purpose is to be exploited with autoclicker spamming.

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So currently… Vulcan actually has the highest DPS according to that graph? (As that was drawn up before the rework?)

Back on topic, we have plenty of other “preferential” perishables (there is literally one to widen fire spread and another to reduce it) so I don’t think that the argument about recoil having certain beneficial uses means that disabling it shouldn’t be a perishable.

That said, it has a really minor impact on gameplay. I might see myself using it in waves like The Mother-Hen Ship where I have to weave between projectiles (and I usually stop firing to make that less difficult) but for the most part, I am pretty indifferent as to whether this gets added or not. Happy to see it, but won’t be disappointed if it isn’t added either.

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You’ll soon found yourself at a situation where clearing enemies first is a necessity (outside Space Race missions), ex: Let the Games Begin with all enemies as Egg Ship Chickens and/or Chickenauts. also Pulsating Grid

I do agree that this has a niche use.

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why does this open

I requested IA to re-open this thread in which I made changes and adjustments. So… what do you think of this suggestion?

I don’t understand this idea, so no feedback

When you fire a weapon in the game, there is recoil - in other words, your spaceship bounces backwards slightly with each shot.
This suggestion is for a consumable item that, when equipped to your spaceship, stops the recoil. So your spaceship would be perfectly stationary when firing.

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I understand now, nice idea

I made it after the rework. Before that it had a :zap:20 DPS of 6120, making it the weakest weapon in the game (not counting Moron Railgun, of course).

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So it’s still not ideal, but it’s in that range of “weak but viable” stuff.

I made a comparison showing the distance made when using Riddler.
It’s almost twice as large.


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