New idea about daily login system

I absolutely think that IA should release a new Daily Login Milestone System (not only you get 20 keys everyday, you’ll also get bonus reward(s)) in the next Early Access update. It maybe like:

  • Login 3 days consecutively: Throws in 80 keys
  • Login 7 days consecutively: Throws in 160 keys
  • Login 10 days consecutively: Throws in 320 keys
  • Login 14 days consecutively: Throws in 640 keys
  • Login 21 days consecutively: Throws in 1280 keys
  • Login 30 days consecutively: Throws in 2560 keys + “Daily Diligence Declaration” medal
    Hope everybody on this forum can rely on my new interesting idea

Isn’t this too much?


I don’t know but this is a new way to farm keys faster without buying keys in the “In-app Purchase” store

This seem too much. Plz nerf it. (1k key or lower)
But I decline for this idea. Was 20 key is not enough for you?

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that not unnecessary,you can play event to get key

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Ok ok. Let’s try another one:

  • Login 3 days consecutively: Throws in 80 keys
  • Login 7 days consecutively: Throws in 120 keys
  • Login 10 days consecutively: Throws in 160 keys
  • Login 14 days consecutively: Throws in 200 keys
  • Login 21 days consecutively: Throws in 240 keys
  • Login 30 days consecutively: Throws in 280 keys + “Daily Diligence Declaration” medal
    Total keys you can get in 30 days: 1080+20×30=1680 keys
    Hope you can rely on this

What??? But I think it’s a new way to farm keys faster, don’t I?

no,play normal that you can get key fast than login daily

1 sentence: A Key Rush can give you more than 2k keys throughout the entire mission so your idea is kinda off

But why??? I think it’s the most interesting way to farm keys faster, don’t I??

just play normal,play boss rush and event

playing many boss rush and multiple event could give as much as 3k keys/day

God forbid players get anything to something in the game, that’s cheating /s


uhh 20 keys a day is good for now, you need to grind for keys

20 keys is about the equivalent of spending 40-45 seconds farming on max difficulty Supernova. It’s equivalent to about 1% of the amount of keys you get from farming for an hour (going by mission time). It might as well not be there once you get access to suns, and even then there are other mission types that don’t fall too far behind that you can unlock earlier.

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Instead of keys being given as a daily reward, the game could instead give you some perishables or special weapons each time you log in, to kind of encourage players to mess around with them. Some extra lives from time to time wouldn’t hurt either. It shouldn’t give you enough to completely replace getting items with keys but it shouldn’t be useless either.


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