Menu music

Can you add a setting to change menu music in the intro of the game?


Why would you need that

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For who wants to change the beggining menu theme to other ones like CI5/4/3


Its not something needed


i want it

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Perhaps there may be an item “spacecraft player” which allows you to select the song you want on the game map, you just have to buy the song you want and put it in the player. This would be saved and every time you enter the map it will be there and if it bores you, change it for another or create a playlist that varies the songs each time you enter. This would help to have a relaxing trip and thus one more accessory for your spacecraft.

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Built-in Radio when


So mod game

do you like this? lol

According to current modding policy you can’t mod CIU with its own files because this is technically original game files, so modding with this is illegal.


ah… i found that menu music was continued when you Login in old versions, but in new ones, when you login, music starts over… and when you log out, it plays Irregular

i think older versions were better… A continuous song looks more monotonous and pleasant

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I feel that useless :sleepy: someone reports

Hey I can do it but not now

i want it because my favorite ci theme its the ci 2 theme

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