Lost Account

I have lost the account HeroWither16 and I try to recover it but it didn’t work
My account :HeroWither16

How do you try to recover it? Do you have backup of the folders that were located in: C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU ?

But I recovered it in G:\ChickenInvaderUniverse

Your game folder ≠ your data folder. Data folder is hidden in C:\ProgrammData\Interaction studios\CIU. ProgrammData is hidden and you will not see it but it exists.

There you will find as much folders as you updated a game. For me there is still “3” folder from CIU v3.1

Those folders contains information about player which server checks. If you have old folder from version when your profile works, you can copy this folder and replace current version folder with it to replace current data. Your progress will be saved because right now server stores it.


There is an option to reveal hidden files,folders and all that. Go to folder settings and search there,it should be somewhere in there


yes there is

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