It isn't an asteroid belt It is meteor belt

There was a bug with asteroid belt
The asteroid in the belt isn’t grey
It is red like a meteor

When the asteroid is red It looks like the meteor belt


This is NOT a bug.

It’s hot asteroids. Well, this game doesn’t have distinction between asteroids and meteors, maybe?

Meteoroids are significantly smaller than asteroids, and range in size from small grains to one-meter-wide objects.[

When a meteoroid, comet, or asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere at a speed typically in excess of 20 km/s (72,000 km/h; 45,000 mph), aerodynamic heating of that object produces a streak of light, both from the glowing object and the trail of glowing particles that it leaves in its wake. This phenomenon is called a meteor or “shooting star”.

Asteroids are minor planets, especially of the inner Solar System. Larger asteroids have also been called planetoids . These terms have historically been applied to any astronomical object orbiting the Sun that did not resemble a planet-like disc and was not observed to have characteristics of an active comet such as a tail. As minor planets in the outer Solar System were discovered they were typically found to have volatile-rich surfaces similar to comets. As a result, they were often distinguished from objects found in the main asteroid belt.

I believe it’s correct to call these asteroids, according to Wikipedia.


I see, thanks for the info!

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