Idea Weapon: knife blaster

hello this is my first idea so it may be wrong : is a weapon called knife blaster :zap:1 shoots 1 small knife :zap:2 shoots 2 small knife :zap:3 shoots 2 small knife and 1 big knife :zap:4 shoots 2 small knife and 2 big knife :zap:5 shoots 3 small knife and 2 big knife :zap:6 shoots 3 small knife and 3 big knife :zap:7 shoots 4 small knife and 3 big knife :zap:8 shoots 4 big knife and 4 small knife :zap:9 shoots 5 small knife and 4 big knife :zap:10 shoots 5 small knife and 5 big knife :zap:20 shoots 10 big knife and 10 small knife (sorry i cant post a image )

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what would make it unique from weapons like ion blaster and utensil poker aside from the visuals


it deals more damage then the ion bkaster and utensil poker

ion blaster*

So unique and balanced

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ok if you say so

here it is the damage: small knife: 350 damage big knife : 750 damage

and… the damage for each firepower level?

It is a pretty good idea but its too similar to utensil* poker ( tbh it sounds like utensil poker with knives instead of folks ) . We can just make a knife skin and use it on utensil poker.


ok then we will make it a skin for utensil poker

:zap:0: unspecified, which probably means the whole progression would be moved down one level.
:zap:1: 350
:zap:2: 700
:zap:3: 1450
:zap:4: 2200
:zap:5: 2550
:zap:6: 3300
:zap:7: 3650
:zap:8: 4400
:zap:9: 4750
:zap:10: 5500
:zap:20: 11000

So, assuming a constant rate of fire (which we don’t even know what it is), we have a 100% damage increase on :zap:20. No.

The damage increase per level alternates between 350 and 750. Again, no.

And regarding the concept itself, one weapon that shoots cutlery is enough. Just because we had weapons that were essentially slightly modified versions of preexisting ones (Ion and Utensil, Vulcan and Boron, Plasma and Positron), doesn’t mean we should be adding more.

Addition and multiplication are concepts you should’ve been familiarised with in primary school.


Epic school of rock moment

best weapon ever moment

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