Extra Satellite slot idea

Hello everyone, I know this topic already suggest but i’ll expand this idea in my post.
Extra satellites slot:
Please read the notes too
Always-on item, need about 575 keys to buy this, this item is sell for 500 keys and you can only buy this 3 times
My notes:

  • It’s good, the game must have this.
  • Its “eh”
  • The game still good without this
  • IDK

0 voters


In my opinion, extra satellites will “break” the balance of spacecrafts a little bit. However, as i could remember, iA once said that he would add a new spacecraft type. Maybe that type of spacecraft will have a model with more than 5 satellites.
Anyway, great idea.


tbh, with this people will just gonna spam barbercue and they will still gonna be fine
i would say, only 1 extra for each spaceship


but i think 2 or 3 is enough tho

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Oh i forgot to create a poll
Let me create it

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actually, depend on which ship you are buying. Like h&c can use 3 but muller and bx can only use 1 (so each ship will gonna be balance and not get vision blocked)
Also i would say, reduce the price but you can only equip it with one ship (idk i’m dumb at balancing game)

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can Muller use 3? Because i give it a front satellite slot and BX can only use 2 like you said

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nah, since muller satellite’s spot only miss the front, so it is not necessary to have more than 1 extra spot


In fact, they already do that with any spacecraft that has a docking spot right in the centre.

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Is this a sign of satellite exploitations or a way to abuse satellites? Not all people wanted to use satellites, some wanted to get the “no satellites in a mission” medal. So I might be neutral to it. But in fairness, that a nice idea, however, that might cause improper balance of spacecrafts and their designated satellite dock amounts

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that’s only bx, others don’t have that

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How is using a game feature exploitation or abuse?

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To be fair, H&C’s would’ve been balanced and not make Mullers mostly irrelevant outside of satellite usage had there not been any ability to purchase extra mission slots. I still wish iA would actually rebalance ships, it’s a commonly requested thing by quite a lot of people.

As for purchasable extra satellite slots, M408 having the same number of maximum satellites as the BX-9 just feels wrong since the latter ship is supposed to pack more punch overall than the former ship.


yea i agree

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wow 40% vote this is a good idea, cool

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Lmao like i hardly ever use satellites tho, always pick up for fun and die from cringeness of the game

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lol, i use it to defend myself

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Yo 36% people vote this is a good idea wtf

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I dont think its good, too much satellite carrying in a mission, especially in muiti would cause more rampage and lag


I think equip more satellites will slow your spacecraft down.