Early Access version 23

Within a ſtar ſyſtem, everything tends to rotate the ſame way. I’m not ſure if the direction is the ſame acroſs the galaxy.

I juſt had a problem where I logged in, and in the meſſages was one about ſomeone (whoſe callſign I can’t remember) inviting me to his ſquadron. A few seconds later, Norton told me to reſtart to inſtall updates, and ſince I waſn’t doïng anything important at the time, I cloſed all my programmes and did the reſtart. When I logged back in to CIU, the meſſage had diſappeared (ſince I’d already read it), and ſo I went to the ſquadron ſcreen to ſee if there was anything there, but I couldn’t find a way to accept ſquadron memberſhip.

If the messages were several days old, it’s possible that the leader has since retracted his invitation.

Could you make it ſo that in this caſe I wouldn’t even ſee the invitation meſſage?

That’s a big can of worms :frowning: . Messages are wholly independent of other CIU systems (contacts, squadrons, assignments, etc), and they function as simple ‘dumb’ notifications.

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Shouldn’t the ſquadron licenſe be attainable at the hero academy, not at Madam Madámme’s?

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The Madammes are good at prediction, and paperwork! Though that’s a good point.

@InterAction_studios, I juſt noticed a problem with Chicken multiplicity: when the eggs of the big chickens reach the bottom of the ſcreen and crack, the poſt-crack graphic is too ſmall.

Edit: Same with the ſuper-chick.

It was me, sorry.


I invited you to my squadron, but since i got no answer for 2 days I remove the invite. Just like a couple of people.

Ah. I don’t ſ’poſe there’s ſtill room?

You also invited me, but sadly, I wasn’t playing CIU because I’ve been playing minecraft with my friends a whole week lol
Mind if you send an invite once again?

Done. Done too.

OI! What about me?!