Early Access version 18

Something I want to report about Bossa Nova:

  • It is possible (although very rare, but I got that once) to get 8000 points pecking order in the boss battle by shooting all the asteroids in the correct order (when Bossa Nova spawns them out). These are infinitely spawned enemies, so “Pecking order” and “Multikill” should not be awarded (Multikill is already disabled, but not Pecking order).

  • The asteroids do not disappear if you destroy the Bossa Nova while it is doing that attack (so it is possible to crash into them).

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  1. Acknowledged, but rare enough to not be worth fixing.

  2. Fixed in v.19. :medal_military: Bug

Also, Core boss is now back to 3 satellites.

I just noticed something…normally,when we use special weapons,multikill bonus gets disabled. However,there’s something interesting with damage amplifier…if you use an amplifier in one wave,then finish it before it expires,and if you kill stuff in the next wave while it’s still in effect(unless you use another one in this wave),multikill bonus doesn’t get disabled for that wave. Perhaps multikill should also be disabled whenever you actually kill something while amps are in effect.

Behaviour confirmed, but as it stands it’s very hard to fix.

Nevertheless, disabling multi-kill for all special weapons made sense when the only special weapons were missiles/mines (which do indeed damage the whole screen). Perhaps a better solution would be to still allow multi-kill for the new phaseout/damageamp/shockwave?

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Sure,I guess,if people are fine with that.

Disable multikill for shockwave, because it potentially kills multiple enemies at once (but allow multikill for phaseout and damageamp).


This is outside of the update…

In UCO encounter, it’s quite weird that the barbequer has no effect when it is fired in the middle of a green laser beam. It only takes effect on the frontmost part.

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Didn’t someone mention this before?

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please add CI3 CI4 CI5 with new changes in CIU :sob:

You mean,update those games? Why,though?

Because I like to play all versions in one version. with new changes.

Why do you want to play those versions in one game when you can simply buy them from the website

You want play them free ? That’s illegal

Yes, I did. IA decided that it waſn’t worth fixing.

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@InterAction_studios will you add back that supernova wave with alien container in the supernova missions

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Added to v.19 :medal_military: Idea

what happened to the top-10 lists?

Server crashed, probably this is the reason.

You mean the Space Race top-10? It will be generated later today.

Everything else should be there. Are you missing more top-10s?

Could you add little 1, 2, 3 near buttons with hotkeys? I’m sure half of players don’t even know about them.