Early Access version 120

Can we poor, non - CHL players at least see a preview please?


You need buy CHL only to preview your ship first

Petition to add different reflections on the mysterious egg to match the backgrounds, even though that would require a lot of rendering since there’s a lot of backgrounds lol

‘‘Too much work for too little benefit.’’


@InterAction_studios I speak for myself but I’m certain that my fellow pilots agree when I say you deserve the time for yourself. You have earned our respect and gratitude for the platform you created and gave us. I hope there is not a negative reason for the break, if there is my thoughts are with you, if all is well enjoy each day to it’s greatest extent. To you and my fellow pilots fly safe, these chickens are becoming even more annoying. Something must be done about this. As always, Be well all…


I remember the post. iA has always accepted good ideas and I’m sure Quests will be improved with our input as well. The best improvements have taken time, and can still evolve, because all fellow pilots have an equal opportunity to state their thoughts and ideas. I just have trouble keeping up with the changes after the updates! But that’s just me. Fly safe @CattyCheese, Be well all…

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these BX ship has double firing system, 18 is just 9x2

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Oh, and another bug I found:
in when you open the Steam overlay, you can not change the language layout. To do this, you have to: Close the overlay - change the language - open the overlay again. And so every time when you need to write something not in your native language.

And supplement by VerMishelb:
A little update on overlay bug: it’s Steam’s own bug, other games are also affected. Workaround: use Win+Space to switch your language if you are using Windows 10+, or just close the overlay to switch the layout.

ummm… the bonus seems only appear after you collect an atom but not the weapon gift.

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exactly what i was thinking lol, if i was being serious I would say maybe just an unrelfected one so it doesn’t clash with other backgrounds. not a deal breaker doe

Will quest progress be reverted for all, even those who don’t have those symptoms? And will it be all quest goals or those mentioned above?

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I mean, if our quest ranks are reset after the official release of the game, that won’t surprise me at all. As he said before:

But having our quest ranks reset in a month or two from now, while still very far from the official release, would be very harmful especially since you’re already almost a Rear Admiral.

Yeah, I know. I just wanted to clarify for myself what exactly will be reverted to pre-v.120.

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New idea: quests button
Maybe add here button for missions?

I suggested already

But he said

Oh, sorry

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So we’ve noticed that sometimes uncommon variants of items are more expensive than their common variants, and other times they’re cheaper. What causes this? Is the price of items with rarity slightly randomized or something? Here, look:

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No problem

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I noticed that the accumulator bar still goes down when you spam click. That’s very inconvenient when the bar is empty because at that point, you may still want to spam click to kill enemy quickly but the bar just doesn’t recharge and spam clicking is quite tiring. Therefore, please change how the accumulator works so that it doesn’t go down when you spam click.

Because double-clicking activates accumulator. Naturally, if you spam-click, you are likely just constantly activating the accumulator. I think you do lose charge less quickly this way, but you lose it regardless.