CIU league talking place 🏆

alright now I don’t know if my skills are getting rusty or you guys are cheating with perishables…or you guys got better

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@2sN you beat me again!

I died on the fortress wave

The fortress is one of my most hated waves in chicken invaders universe, because I can’t finish the wave without dying


@RoboCat try to dare me and send your challenge rule to me for practice my skills.
And remember, share your challenge rule through to CIU’s League Challenge to improve everyone who wants to dare in top 100 or someone else (Seriously, I love challenge :heart_eyes:)

Back to dying from everything possible, yay.


painful, but true

I think you forget to read description challenge details in forum before you start the session, @2sN :roll_eyes:

:-1: Challenge lost cause didn’t care my challenge rules

Challenge Complete Didn’t I :+1: about no lives lost
even magnetic manupilator spawn meteor fire storm on dodge in this

wherever :unamused: , next one will gonna be not easily, prepare your skills wisely


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@Bigmos49216 Sorry, I didn’t have the patience =(.

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Well, it’s okay. Try to dare me with your challenge rule whenever you ready @RoboCat , just like I dare and challenge @Star_Light already.

Wai… WHAT!!! Seriously, what happened out there?! @RoboCat

I think you have now the biggest point exchange, or you’re second on the list. So that must hurted for RoboCat :astonished:

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I’m feeling like this guy is bullying me, so I attempted to revenge on him and then i got weak and had to surrender. then i lost and then ml3czny doesn’t stop doing that.
Just stop sending me dares, ml3.

Pain This Guy Is Taking Your Points Away

Ok I’m back and will accept any missions from anyone (even though I literally have a lot of homework to do).

Someone just dare me with no challenge, please told back to them when I finish a dare

(duc anh 123, send a challenge to me next time)

(You too, viet26122008)

Epic name

Also If Wants To Dare me (You can give me a Challenge if you want to)
Here’s My Ranking

And 2sN Just Don’t Dare Me Now

This callsign name makes me don’t want to know lol

Already Know What Boss is
It’s Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannonade

no it’s ███████████████████████████████

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