If i practice the scores will be much different.
But you were very close so you are doing fine, keep practicing.
But it’s Squawk Block.
Didn’t know
Well well well, he has weaknesses like any other person: wiuwiu (mysterious) ships (which was my weakness way before ciu even existed), supernova, comets, and meteor storms
Well, First: Since he is weak why does he say he is a pro?
Second: Rank 9 is for PRO players, not the weak players.
remember medo (why am i calling you this IDKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK): rank does not equal to skill
Conclusion of CC#2 has been ready for all competitors of CC#2 now.
Check it out here CC#2’s result
So… Ramon Enraged Son
We lost From Dare
My First Comet Chase In Ramon’s Dare
he didn’t even talk about being angry yet sooooooo
“Skill always beats luck, ya weasel.”
would you like to fly my dare?
ask @yousef
What’s Wrong GoldenBoss128
You Really Hated On Comet Chase
Can you even do friendly dares who send friendly dares at you
doing a normal dare is making people lose alot