Christmas Eve Crisis 10th (110th) Aniversary Mission

In Chicken Invaders Universe there could be a button replacing 120th Aniversary button that is Aniversary Missions button. There there would be a menu similar to Missions menu in wich there would be missions for aniversaries of all the InterAction Studios games that are tens (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, etc.). I had an idea for Christmas Eve Crisis 10th (or 110th) aniversary. It would be a planetary mission where you are in a Christmas Eve Crisis level. Here are screenshots of how could the menus be.

I know that in the second image the font for “Chicken Invaders (DX Edition)” and “Christmas Eve Crisis” should be FiraSansExtraCondensed-Regular but I don’t know how to install a font on my computer (it’s Linux Xubuntu).


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