Chicken invaders universe ideas

Thoſe ideas are great! There are juſt 2 conſiderations I’d like to point out, though.
The problem with direct aſſault mode is that it’s often eaſier to avoid projectiles if they’re all pointed ſtraight at you; all you have to do iſ keep moving ſlightly. The hardeſt in my opinion are a few eggs (going down), a few random ſquiggles, and a few things aiming at you. It is for this reaſon that I think that the propoſed direct aſſault mode ſhould give leſs of a bonus. 5% ſounds good to me.
The ſhield ſatellite, I think, ſhould kill you if you run into it- I’m not ſure whether that was your thought too or not, and I think that either it ſhould block the player’s ſhots, or it ſhould ſuſtain ſome level of damage when being ſhot through, juſt to keep from making the game too unfair to our fowl friends!

Yeah,perhaps you’re right for assault mode. But the thing is,this means that you always have to keep moving and you always have to watch out for projectiles. Also,by "few eggs going down,few projectiles going randomly and a few aimed at you,do you mean that the projectiles have a random chance to do one of these? Also,it seems like you didn’t read the part where I said that some projectiles would also home into you.
The shield satellite is supposed to protect you,and not give you an extra enemy you need to avoid,and I don’t think that it would make it unfair for chickens.

No, I read the part about homing projectiles, but at the end of the day, how many of thoſe are there? Do we count the chickens that ſhoot thoſe purple ſquiggles ſtraight at you if you’re in range, and otherwiſe ſhoot as cloſe to you as they can get? Although I ſuppoſe that the pſychology of it might make it a lot harder than it ſhould be, and looking back at CI5, I notice that they give a 10% bonus for requiring twice as many food per miſſile, which ſeems eaſier than your prepoſal, ſo I ſuppoſe it is worth the full 10%. Unleſs, of courſe, that the ſcoring bonuſes are going to be a lot harder in CIU.
As for the ſhield, I ſuppoſe you have a point; after all, the chickens don’t die when they run into their ſhields! Obviouſly the hero’s ſheild ſhould look quite different from the chickens, though, and I think if poſſible the ſhield ſhould kill chickens that run into it, and the chickens ſhould avoid doing ſo, although I’m not ſure how much of a pain this’d be to programme.

Would it be poſſible to have a feature that allows the hero to fire juſt one ſatellite at a time? It always bothers me that I have to uſe them all when one will do.

Yes,we do count those chickens that shoot purple bullets. And I know that there aren’t many of these enemies,but the ones that do exist do appear a good amount of times. And nah,they could just make it so the chickens take away a huge amount of health from barriers when they run into one

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I came up with another idea…
Speedrun mode,
In this mode,the waves(but not the next chapter) can start automatically(there are exceptions,like the waves that rotate your ship). Basically,when all of the chickens show up on the screen,you only get a certain amount of time to kill them(5 seconds should be enough,though it should be changed in certain waves). If you take too long,the next wave is going to start,and you’ll have to deal with multiple waves at once! There is a limit though,there can’t be more than 3 waves at once.


I have new idea I hope u add It… It’s called
The Almanac … It tells you any info about chickens and powerups and some Bios about chickens so you will know what are they… :wink::wink::wink::grinning:

That’s already planned.

Oh what is it called??

It’s called the Chick-o-pedia.

Oh nice how many new weapons should be added???

How would I know this?

When CIU will be released???

Would you do us all a favour and read all four plan updates? That would ſave you the effort of asking theſe things, and us the effort of reſponding, as well as giving you the information you’re asking for more quickly.


What do u mean traveller???

OMG. Bro he means: Just read the plan updates from InterAction Studios, to see what they planned for now the new game to be, stop spam at everyone knowing things and things like that.


Agreed, I see you are still using that weird s letter m8?:grinning:

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He means that you read these Plan Update #04 - #15 by Konrad , Plan Update #03 - #6 by PoProstu_yt , Plan Update #02 - #174 by Nikito , and Plan Update #01 - #24 by Traveller

oh okay BTW pls notify me when Chicken invaders universe has been released

InterAction Studios will let us know.
As far as telling you ourſelves, I, for one, am not going to tell you anything, for the ſimple reaſon that I aſſume that you are capable of reading other people’s poſts, and I have better things to do than to write a Reader’s Digeſt verſion of everything that comes through the forum. Although it admittedly is a good exerciſe in ſummerizing.