8th, 9th laser for Yolk Star TM

The problem with terminators nonſtop is that it makes it a very different boſs. I think that the number of terminators in any given ſpawning ſhould be increaſed, though, and the terminator difficulties ſhould alſo be increaſed.

7 laſers with 5 eggſhips ſpawning every time ſhould be hard enough.

I’d argue it’s pretty related, but I suppose that’s fair.

This is also something I would be for.

In my opinion, the difficulty of Yolk Star comes from the terminators, lasers only add the spices. Spice don’t do anything when there’s no food to eat.

Interval when there’s no terminator, it’s basically a free rest time (not really tho, but I think you get it) while over-spicing your food makes it inedible.

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Juſt terminators are eaſy. The laſers are needed to reſtrict the player’s movement.

5 lasers are enough in my opinion, difficulty scaling will be determined by the terminators count, types, maybe even speed of laser and terminators.

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